Saturday 1 December 2012

Christmas is a-coming..Run turkey, Run for your life

Good Evening your sexy cherub darlings pants...

Christmas has officially started! Our usually dark, damp and slug-infested house is glowing with slightly skinny tinsel, baubles and a small, but in no way less christmasy, Christmas tree! =)
Here have a mince pie, quick , we've already munched on all of ours.

Current wine bottle tally for this week has reach 5; definite improvement on the last tally and lips and teeth are substantially darkened from it. Kate is currently singing "Simply having a wonderful Christmas time"!! and apparently listening to the Pogue's Fairy tale of New york is a bit of a Tobin tradition. 

Kate Tobin christmas shopping =P

So to kick off your festive season here are some tips and tricks that should help you have a fab, wine-filled, fish-fishgertastic, TOWIE-Bombastic time ^.^

Santa's commute =P

1. If you turn a sock into a doughnut and use it in your hair you will look sophisticated and wintery romantic.

2. If you have a removable  board above your bedroom door (like Emily), do not remove it! You will freeze to death in your sleep!

3. Don't give your friends mate your house key when they spend the day in Southampton till 8pm if you finish work at 3pm. Result will be your locked out of your house!

4. Do not hang wet clothes off the radiator because they will get moldy! no joke, s'all squelchy when you put them on.

5. If you haven't tried the Starbucks Praline mocha then you haven't lived! And input from Kate "Have your had the toffee nut one? I love it, its great! and the Gingerbread one is nice as well - but not the Eggnog one ergh".

6. Its national cookie day on the 4th, so get your biscuit on! 

7.DO NOT reveal the true date of your Belly dancing show to house mates and friends as they will turn up and heckle you ;) 

8. Get your christmas jumpers at the ready! There are a few goodens on New look and Topshop.

9. Blackmail parents into sending your a christmas package filled with sweets and chocies, a Disney princess advent calender and my platform shoes that I left at home last week, thank you very much mamma Carroll ^.^

10. Finally and most importantly dont put your mince pie in the microwave for more than 20 seconds as it loses its yummy pie-like consistency and turns to mushy mush!

Quote of the night: "That's the most awful thing Ive ever done in my life" - Currently watching I'm a celeb final!

hehehe anyways boys and girls we hope you've been good and get lots of pressies. Heed our Christmas tricks and tips. 

Until we blog again, night night cheeky chappies =) x x x 

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